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Nanotroopers Episode 4: ANAD Page 4

  ***ANAD to Base…sorry about that, Boss. I’m not sure where my state signals are ending up…there’s an awful lot of wiring in here…***

  ‘Hey,” Winger said, rubbing his temples. “Take it easy, will you? That’s my brain you’re messing with.”

  Slowly, in fits and starts, but with increasing assurance, the spurious sensations died off and a smooth flow of signals settled in. The whole process took half an hour. In that time, Johnny heard glass shattering, saw purple sunsets on strange landscapes, smelled his mother’s pancakes and plum syrup three times and developed a terrific headache.

  Doc Frost finagled with the interface controls, fine-tuning ANAD’s quantum coupler to narrow the focus of its state generator. “Quantum entanglement states are a bitch to deal with,” he muttered, as his fingers raced over the keyboard. “I still don’t know how Red Hammer managed to make this work so easily. “It’s like trying to paint a small stripe of paint on door molding with a pressure washer. It all goes everywhere.”